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Amber McGrath

IPCC ARG Synthesis Report Review: Have your say.

Following on from the eye-opening 2021 report, the IPCC has opened registration to review the first draft of the synthesis report of the Sixth Assessment Report. The synthesis report will be the last of the AR6 products, due to be released later this year. It is composed of two parts, a Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of 5 to 10 pages and a Longer Report of 30 to 50 pages.

The framework of the paper consists of three main sections. the first being, ‘Current Status and Trends’, to cover the historical and present period.

The second section, ‘Long-term Climate and Development Futures’, to address projected futures up to 2100 and beyond.

The final section is ‘Near-term Responses in a Changing Climate’, which will consider current international policy timeframes, and the time interval between now and 2030-2040.

Experts are welcome to register to review the draft, the close date to review the report is on the 13th March. If you are interested in registering please see the following link: IPCC Review Comments - AR6SYR - FOD


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