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Our mission is to accelerate the move to a sustainable, low carbon economy and reduce the impact on the environment from our operations.

In our role as CAFA, we are committed to:


  • Protecting the environment by delivering against our mission, preventing pollution and by minimising our direct environmental footprint.

  • Promoting good governance within the sustainability agenda to the members of our Collective, as well as dealing with aspects of poor practice.

  • Using sustainable development (meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) as a guiding principle within our work.


We will:


  • Promote responsibility for the environment within the organisation and communicate and implement this policy at all levels within the workforce.

  • We will assess the environmental impacts of our operations and set objectives and targets annually in order to improve our environmental performance. We will regularly review these targets.

  • Provide adequate resources to meet our commitment to this policy and the environment.

  • We will comply with all relevant environmental legislation/regulation.

  • Define and communicate to management, staff and contractor responsibilities so that all are aware of their individual obligations.

  • Train staff so that they can minimise our direct environmental footprint as an organisation.

  • Ensure that all our policies and services are developed in a way that is complimentary to this policy.

  • Take into account environmental considerations in our procurement.

  • Report our environmental performance in our annual report.

  • Encourage all Collective members, supporters, partners and other key stakeholders to commit to the sustainable development philosophy.

  • Reduce our organisations use of energy, water and minimise waste by reduction, re-use and recycling methods where possible, whether employees are working in the office or from home.

  • Conscious consideration to the level of travel required and the mode of travel, encouraging green transportation options.

  • Ensure the correct level of ‘offsetting’ is in place to neutralise carbon emissions as a result of long-distance travel if required.


Additional Actions:


  • We also responded to government targets by;

  • Working with environmental specialists as required.

  • Preparing and promoting our environmental policy and action plan.

  • Setting up an Environmental Focus Group encouraging staff to make suggestions and decisions on operational practices.

  • Arranging automatic shutdown of PC’s at an agreed time each evening.

  • Monitoring utilities consumption in office buildings and home working and measuring impact of supply chain and company travel.

  • Where appropriate, increasing recycling practices and optimising use of technological equipment.

  • Promoting, encouraging, and rewarding green travel choices.


The Management of CAFA/b2b and of each subsidiary will:


  • Share its expectation of responsibility for the environment to employees, board members and secretariat service providers.

  • Demonstrate clear commitment to the environment and lead by example, to ensure that the protection of the environment is promoted to all employees.

Employees of CAFA will:


  • Be familiar with all the environment requirements relevant to their own activities and take responsibility for their own impact on the environment.

CAFA Suppliers Will:


  • Share environmental and sustainability policies to CAFA and CAFA Secretariat to demonstrate.

  • Work with us to reduce their environmental impact where possible.



Last updated: 23 February 2021

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