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Insider Media Limited

HSBC UK has launched a £500m Green SME Fund which is part of the bank's commitment to support businesses to transition and thrive in a low carbon economy.

It follows HSBC's global commitment to provide between $750bn and $1tn of financing and investment to support its customers over the next ten years. The new £500m fund is available for businesses with a turnover of less than £25m and will offer one per cent cashback on loans, starting from £1,0002 to help SMEs invest in green activities.

This is the first green offering for small businesses with a cashback proposal in the UK.

To qualify for the cashback, evidence must be provided that the use of the loan proceeds meet HSBC's Eligible Criteria for Green Activities, which have been independently reviewed by Sustainalytics.

Ian Stuart, chief executive of HSBC UK, said: "I am delighted to announce to the launch of HSBC UK's £500m Green SME Fund. Companies of all sizes and sectors have a role to play in the journey to net zero, however the sustainable finance market has been predominately focused on larger corporations. It's critical that access to funds isn’t a barrier for small and medium sized businesses working to achieve lower carbon emissions".

Stuart added: "We want to help businesses seize the opportunities and growth potential that environmental sustainability offers and the fund, along with our new and expanding suite of tools and resources, will make it easier for small businesses to take practical steps to cut their emissions and help their customers to cut theirs too."

Original Source: Insider Media Limited


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