To help achieve the UK’s net zero emissions target, UKGBC is leading the transition to a net zero carbon built environment.
The Paris Climate Agreement represented a turning point in efforts to tackle climate change, with a commitment to limit increases in global temperatures well below 2ºC and decarbonise the global economy by the second half of this century. To meet this challenge the World Green Building Council (WorldGBC) launched the global Advancing Net Zero campaign which aims to promote and support the acceleration of net zero carbon buildings to 100% by 2050.
UKGBC launched its Advancing Net Zero programme in 2018 to help drive this transition in the UK and deliver the emissions reductions required from the construction and property sectors. This page provides a list of upcoming projects in 2021/22, resources currently available, and ways to get involved in the programme.
Our plans for 2021-22
In 2021/22, the programme will accelerate its ambition to lead the UK’s transition to a net zero carbon built environment in the lead up to, and following, COP26. This includes growing the number of corporate Partners from 5 to 15 to include a wider representation from across the building value chain, listed at the bottom of page.
To achieve these increasing ambitions, projects will be delivered under the following four workstreams:
Net zero carbon buildings definition – including further strengthening of UKGBC’s Framework Definition, such as through supporting energy performance targets and exploring potential routes for a net zero carbon buildings verification scheme.
Delivery enablers – including a net zero cost evaluation study for large-scale housing developments and local authority policy guidance.
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment – including building market demand for net zero buildings and catalysing broader market transformation.
Advocacy – including in the run-up to COP26 and beyond with the Whole Life Carbon Roadmap.
To learn more about our COP plans, submit an entry to our Built Environment Directory, or to let us know about a relevant campaign, initiative or event, please contact
Current resources:
Net zero carbon buildings definition
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework Definition
Renewable Energy Procurement and Carbon Offsetting Guidelines
Energy Performance Targets for Offices
Verifying Net Zero Carbon Buildings
Net Zero Operational Carbon: 10 key requirements for new buildings
Delivery enablers
Building the Case for Net Zero: A feasibility study into the design, cost and delivery of new net zero carbon buildings
Unlocking the Delivery of Net Zero Carbon Buildings
Innovation Insights: Reducing operational carbon
One Click LCA Planetary Tool
Course mail
Case studies
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment
WorldGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment
Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment Forum
Climate Commitment Platform
Scope 3 Reporting Guidance for Commercial Real Estate
New Homes Policy Playbook
Other ways to get involved:
Sign up to the Advancing Net Zero mailing list* by emailing
Sign up for Course Mail Series 5 – Advancing Net Zero.
Join our Climate Commitment Platform* by emailing
Submit a case study to our case study library* by emailing
*Please note that the items marked with an asterisk are for UKGBC members only. For more information on becoming a member, please visit our membership page.
Other relevant UKGBC resources:
Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap: To be alerted to future opportunities relating to the WLC Roadmap, please contact
Interactive Policy Map
Retrofit Policy Playbook (Accelerator Cities Programme)
Building a Just Transition to Net Zero (Social Value programme)
Source: UKGBC