David Carlin, Head of Risk at UNEP FI and Founder of Cambium Global Solutions, spearheads a groundbreaking paper in collaboration with the Institute, Faculty of Actuaries, and the University of Exeter.
The paper delves into the crucial topic of climate tipping points, presenting both alarming concerns and potential pathways for action. Highlighting a concerning acceleration in global warming, it underscores the likelihood of surpassing the 1.5°C target. It warns of the heightened sensitivity of the climate system, increasing the risk of triggering multiple tipping points.
Carlin's paper offers pragmatic recommendations for policymakers, emphasising the importance of conducting thorough risk assessments, focusing on positive tipping points within the economic system and establishing a framework for planetary solvency to ensure future human prosperity. This collaboration presents invaluable insights for steering towards a resilient and sustainable future.
Original source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/david-carlin7_climaterisk-tippingpoints-risk-activity-7175793182671015938-hMO-?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios