CAFA works with membership organisations like Ciarb to measure their carbon footprint and help them to reduce their emissions and become Certified Net Zero Associations. Catherine Dixon MCIArb, CEO of Ciarb, said, “Over the past few years, Ciarb has consciously made changes to improve its sustainability. We have also worked to raise awareness of the issue in the wider private dispute resolution sector. We are delighted to work with CAFA with the aim of reducing our carbon emissions even further.”
As a global organisation, Ciarb is acutely aware of the need for sustainability and the increasing impact of climate change. As well as looking critically at its own operations Ciarb has sought to raise awareness in the wider sector of these issues, particularly as they are a factor in an increasing number of disputes.
Ciarb recently started working with Climate Action for Associations (CAFA). CAFA works with organisations like Ciarb, helping them to measure and reduce their carbon footprint and supporting them to become Certified Net Zero Associations.
The next step is to gather the right information so that informed decisions can be made about what actions to take and by which deadlines in order to reduce their carbon footprint. This is a long-term commitment for Ciarb and one that they take seriously.
Catherine Dixon MCIArb, CEO of Ciarb, said, “Over the past few years, Ciarb has consciously made changes to improve its sustainability. We have also worked to raise awareness of the issue in the wider private dispute resolution sector by holding events, publishing articles and becoming a steering group member for the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations pledge. We are delighted to work with CAFA with the aim of reducing our carbon emissions even further.”
Alison Heppenstall, CEO of CAFA, added, "CAFA celebrates Ciarb’s growing commitment, both as leaders of a profession that has enormous influence over climate related causes and its own internal plans. We are excited to be working with Ciarb on its Certified Net Zero Association journey."
Ciarb has made good progress over the recent years by, for example:
Providing more opportunities for members to network and learn virtually – this improves accessibility and reduces the need to travel.
Holding more virtual meetings as an organisation – reducing the need to travel.
Digitising our publications – in 2020, Resolver magazine and Arbitration, Ciarb’s peer-reviewed academic journal, moved from print to digital.
To raise wider awareness about sustainability and the environment, we continue to hold and participate in events, publish articles, and join forces with other organisations. For example: They have publicly stated our commitment by:
Becoming a signatory to and a steering group member of the Campaign for Greener Arbitrations pledge.
Supporting the Net Zero Lawyers Alliance.
Supporting the World Mediators Alliance on Climate Change. Delivering or participating in events focusing on or including sessions about these issues:
Wendy Miles KC delivered Ciarb’s 2021 Alexander Lecture on ‘International Arbitration and Sustainable Investment: Facilitator or Foe?’ from COP26 – available to watch on our YouTube channel.
Ciarb’s Mediation Symposium in 2022 explored what sustainability means for mediators and mediation practice – recordings will be available through MyCiarb to professional members shortly.
Our Let’s Discuss Energy Disputes event in 2023 saw members from around the world discussing the key issues in dynamic breakout groups.
Learn more about Ciarb's sustainability plans and progress here.